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Welcome to our Wellness Room
There are some main ways to change how we are feeling. Click on the options below to explore some of the most common ways to take care of your mental health.

Talk it out
When we are working through an issue or feeling down, it's often helpful to talk about it with someone who cares and will listen. This could be a friend, trusted adult, or through a service like TeenTalk. Who is on your team?

Focus inward
Focusing on your body and breathing can help quiet your thoughts and help you gain control. There are many ways to do this. Here are some ideas to try;
Follow along to a video on the CALM Youtube Channel (
Practice box breathing (in for 6, hold for 6, out for 6, hold for 6, repeat)
Lay on your back on the floor and repeat pressing your toes into the floor and then relaxing.
Find your comfy spot and close your eyes. Imagine your perfect place (real or imaginary). What does it smell like? What does it sound like? What do you imagine seeing around you? Do you taste anything? What can you feel?
Observe a detailed object up close. Turn it around in your hands and focus on how it looks as it moves.
Count through the rainbow. Look around you and count the number of red things that you see, then orange, yellow, and so on.
Follow along to a video on the CALM Youtube Channel (
Practice box breathing (in for 6, hold for 6, out for 6, hold for 6, repeat)
Lay on your back on the floor and repeat pressing your toes into the floor and then relaxing.
Find your comfy spot and close your eyes. Imagine your perfect place (real or imaginary). What does it smell like? What does it sound like? What do you imagine seeing around you? Do you taste anything? What can you feel?
Observe a detailed object up close. Turn it around in your hands and focus on how it looks as it moves.
Count through the rainbow. Look around you and count the number of red things that you see, then orange, yellow, and so on.

Color your world
Whether on paper or virtually, coloring can be a great way to calm your mind by focusing on something simple and small.

Get up and move
Moving your body is one of the fastest ways to change your mindset. There are many ways to move your body, you could dance it out, take a walk, do some stretches, practice yoga, play a sport, throw a ball, or much more. What are you going to try?

Check in with yourself
In this busy world it can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of jumping from one thing to the next and then might find ourselves reacting to something in an unexpected way. It's important for our brains to have some time to relax and to check in with ourselves. Using a tool like the Mood Meter can be a great way to quickly check in. Find where your are on the Pleasantness scale and then rate your Energy level. Then read the words around that point on the graph and ask yourself, "does that sound right for how I am feeling now?"

Learn something new
Is there something that you would like to be able to do, but haven't had the chance to learn yet? Is there a hobby that you used to enjoy, but no long do? Learning something new, or picking up an old hobby, can be a great way to fill our brains with something positive. Remember, learning a new skill takes time, so go easy on yourself if it takes some practice. That's how it is supposed to work! Resources like Youtube, Khan Academy, Duolingo, SoloLearn, Kahoot!, and edX can be a great places to start.

Your thoughts matter, so use them for good!
It can be easy to get stuck seeing all of the hard things around us, but there are good things too. When you are having a bummer of a day try switching your mindset. Here are some ideas to try:
Make a list of things you are grateful for.
Write out quotes that make you feel better like, "This is tough, but I'm tougher", "This too shall pass", "I am kind, I am loved, and I am strong". What else would you add to this list? Write your positive thoughts and quotes on sticky notes and put them somewhere you will see them everyday like the bathroom mirror.
Make a list of things you are grateful for.
Write out quotes that make you feel better like, "This is tough, but I'm tougher", "This too shall pass", "I am kind, I am loved, and I am strong". What else would you add to this list? Write your positive thoughts and quotes on sticky notes and put them somewhere you will see them everyday like the bathroom mirror.

Spread some kindness
Making someone else smile can really turn a crummy day around. This can be as simple as saying, "Good morning!" or smiling and waving at people as you walk down the hall to as big as volunteering for a cause that means a lot to you and everything in between. As you are brainstorming ideas to try make sure to focus on what you CAN DO, not what you can't.
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