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Mrs. MacKay
Student last names A-L
360-833-5850 ext. 75516
Request to see me

Mrs. McEathron
Student last names M-Z
360-833-5850 ext. 78128
Request to see me
Request to see your counselor

Anonymous Reporting
There are a few ways to see your counselor. You can either email them, stop by their office, ask your teacher, or fill out this request form.
One of the way School Counselors provide support is through small group counseling. This is a time for a few students to connect and learn about a common topic together. Check out our offerings and let us know if you are interested in getting support through a small group here.
We ALL work hard to keep Liberty a safe and kind school. To keep it this way, we need your help! If you see something that shouldn't be happening at school, please use this form to let us know so we can address the issue.
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